Banking & Corporate Finance

We provide wide range of banking consultancy services to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) entrepreneurs through banks, financial institutions, private equity investors and venture capitalists.

1. Economic Feasibility Studies
2. Detailed Project Report preparation
3. Capital Structuring
4. CMA Data with 5/10 year projections
5. Business Plan
6. Bank or Institutional fund based Term Loan, Working Capital and non-fund facilities
7. Private Equity & Venture Capital.
* significant stake and commitment in the venture;
* having outstanding team with hands on experience;
* with innovative ideas;
* with growing operating profits and expecting to grow in the next three years;
* willing to avail expertise of the Fund managers / external specialists;
* planning to go public or providing an acceptable exit route.

PE / VCs do not show interest in deal sizes less than INR 50 Crores.
8. We work with Banks for
* Business Valuation
* Due Diligence